Tri-Cities Health Johnson City located at 112 W Springbrook Dr. Johnson City, TN 37604

We're All About YOUR Health

Our caring staff welcomes you the moment you walk in. Listening is the key to getting at the root cause of your health issues. You'll have a roadmap to help you get healthy again.

Dare to live more

Get your mojo back.

Woman sitting down in exercise gear tying her shoe.

Committed Partners

Patient/Provider trust is a bond we take seriously. At Tri-Cities Health, you are not just a "number". Our staff believes they can help you more by knowing you better.

Dare to live more

Get your mojo back.

Two men riding bicycles down a bike path for exercise.

An Innovative Health Provider

Tri Cities Health in Elizabethton, TN offers individualized state of the art diagnostic testing and treatment plans to help you achieve optimal health. Call now for an appointment.

Dare to live more

Get your mojo back.


Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that's found in all cells of the body. It comes from two sources: your body and food. Your body, and especially your liver , makes all the cholesterol you need and circulates it through the blood.

But cholesterol is also found in foods from animal sources, such as meat, poultry, and full fat dairy products. Your liver produces more cholesterol when you eat a diet high in saturated and trans fats. Excess cholesterol can form plaque between layers of artery walls, making it harder for your heart to circulate blood. Plaque can break open and cause blood clots. If a clot blocks an artery that feeds the brain, it causes a stroke.

If it blocks an artery the feeds the heart, it can cause a heart attack. Making healthy eating choices and increasing exercise are important first steps in improving your cholesterol. For some people, cholesterol – lowering medication may also be needed to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Our Services

The Services we provide are concentrated on you and your well being.

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Need more information? We can answer any questions you may have, Contact us today!